Water Ecology and the Web of Life : Art & Learning Activity Zone
Who lives in and around these waters? How are we connected? Follow your inspiration through activity zones for all ages. We will have watercolors, art supplies and wearable water drop emblems to express your connection, science investigations of tiny organisms, creative movement and fun water games to play. Finally, we’ll make meaning together out of this wild and wonderful watershed with an art display and whole group activity!
Registration Encouraged! Drop-ins are welcomed!
Join in on a creative exploration into webs of life in the great lakes including visual art, movement, activities and sharing our creativity together.
Saturday, August 31, 2024 ​​
Activity Schedule
12-1pm Water Web of Life Art Activity by Friends of the Water
1-2pm North Sky Raptor with Live Birds of Prey Presentation
2-3pm Water Web of Life Art Activity by Friends of the Water
3-5pm Face Painting with Ellen Blanchard
5-7pm Water Web of Life Art Activity by Friends of the Water

Offered by Friends of the Water and Hilary Lake Healing Arts" For more information visit our website at www.hilarylake.com